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eriu: Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured Initiating and disemminating research to spark new policy discussion on health coverage issues.
Research Topics

Working Papers

(By Author)

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Aizer, Anna
Grogger, Jeffrey

Parental Medicaid Expansions and Health Insurance Coverage

Bansak, Cynthia
Raphael, Steven

The Effects of State Policy Design Features on Take Up and Crowd Out Rates for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program


Bhattacharya, Jay
Schoenbaum, Michael

The Value of the Medicare Benefit for Social Security Disability Insurance Recipients and Applicants

Blumberg, Linda
Nichols, Len

Why Are So Many Americans Uninsured? A Conceptual Framework, Summary of the Evidence, and Delineation of the Gaps in Our Knowledge


Borjas, George

Welfare Reform, Labor Supply, and Health Insurance in the Immigrant Population


Bundorf, M. Kate
Pauly, Mark V.


The Uninsured: Risk, Income, and “Affordability” of Coverage


Cawley, John
Simon, Kosali

The Impact of Macroeconomic Conditions on the Health Insurance Coverage of Americans


Chernew, Michael
Cutler, David
Keenan, Patricia

Rising Health Care Costs and the Decline in Insurance Coverage


Chernew, Michael
Hirth, Richard

Modeling the Causes and Consequences of Lack of Health Insurance Coverage: Gaps in the Literature


Christian, Michael S.

The Distribution of Medicaid and Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Coverage Among Immigrants Before and After the 1996 Welfare Reform


Crow, Sarah
Harrington, Mary
McLaughlin, Catherine

Sources of Vulnerability: A Critical Review of the Literature on Racial/Ethnic Minorities, Immigrants, and Persons with Chronic Mental Illness


DeLeire, Thomas
Levine, Judith
Levy, Helen

Is Welfare Reform Responsible for Low-Skilled Women’s Declining Health Insurance Coverage in the 1990s?


Dey, Matthew
Flinn, Christopher

An Equilibrium Model of Health Insurance Provision and Wage Determination


Dushi, Irena
Honig, Marjorie

Offers or Take-Up: Explaining Minorities’ Lower Health Insurance Coverage


Ellis, Randall P.
Ma, Albert C. T.


Health Insurance, Expectations, and Job Turnover


Fang, Hanming
Silverman, Dan

Beliefs About Future Health and the Demand for Health and Health Insurance


Geronimus, Arline
Bound, John

Urban/Rural Differences in Excess Mortality Among High Poverty Populations: Evidence from the Harlem Health Survey and Pitt County Hypertension Study


Gruber, Jonathan
Madrian, Brigitte

Health Insurance, Labor Supply, and Job Mobility: A Critical Review of the Literature


Gruber, Jonathan
McKnight, Robin

Why Did Employee Health Insurance Contributions Rise?


Gruber, Jonathan
Washington, Ebonya

Subsidies to Employee Health Insurance Premiums and the Health Insurance Market


Haas, Jennifer
Swartz, Katherine

The Effects of Worker, Firm, and Market Characteristics on Access to Employer Sponsored Health Insurance


Hill, Steven C.
Kreider, Brent


Partially Identifying Treatment Effects in the Presence of Unobserved Treatments: The Case of Universal Health Insurance


Kuttner, Hanns
Baughman, Reagan
Christian, Michael
Mortensen, Karoline

Employment and Health Insurance: Views from Five Surveys


Lang, Kevin
Kang, Hong

Worker Sorting,Taxes and Health Insurance Coverage


Lang, Kevin
Kang, Hong

Why Do Firms Offer Multiple Health Plans?


Levy, Helen

The Economic Consequences of Being Uninsured


Levy, Helen
Meltzer, David

What Do We Really Know About Whether Health Insurance Affects Health?

Lo Sasso, Anthony
Lurie, Ithai
Buchmueller, Thomas
Senesky, Sarah


Immigrants and Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Maxwell, Nan L.
Paringer, Lynn

Employer-Based Health Insurance for Less-Skilled Workers: Offers and Acceptances



McGuire, Thomas
Alegria, Margerita
Cao, Zhun
Takeuchi, David

Health Insurance for Vulnerable Populations: Understanding Differences across Asian American and Latino Subgroups in the United States


Monheit, Alan C.
Vistnes, Jessica Primoff


Health Insurance Enrollment Decisions: Understanding the Role of Preferences for Coverage


Pollack, Harold
Davis, Matthew
Danziger, Sheldon
Orzol, Sean

Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Care Among Former Welfare Recipients


Pollack, Harold
Kronebusch, Karl

Health Insurance and Vulnerable Populations


Royalty, Anne Beeson
Abraham, Jean

Health Insurance and Labor Market Outcomes: Joint Decision-Making Within Households


Royalty, Anne
Hagens, John

The Effect of Premiums on the Decision to Participate in Health Insurance and Other Fringe Benefits Offered by the Employer: Evidence from a Real-World Experiment


Short, Pamela Farley

Counting and Characterizing the Uninsured


Waidmann, Timothy
Garrett, Bowen
Hadley, Jack

Explaining Differences in Employer Sponsored Insurance Coverage by Race, Ethnicity and Immigrant Status


Weir, David
Willis, Robert

Widowhood, Divorce, and Loss of Health Insurance Among Near-Elderly Women: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study


Wolfe, Barbara
Kaplan, Thomas
Haveman, Robert
Cho, Yoon Young

Extending Health Care Coverage to the Low-Income Population: The Influence of the Wisconsin BadgerCare Program on Insurance Coverage


Yelowitz, Aaron

Medicaid and Work Decisions of Married Women

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